Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Commonwealth of Virginia has transformed in the last decade

One more item in the growing list of liberal reforms...
Under current law, anyone convicted of a felony in Virginia loses their civil rights, including the right to vote, serve on a jury, run for office, become a public notary, and carry a firearm. The state constitution gives the governor sole discretion to restore civil rights, with the exception of firearms rights.


Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam announced an executive action on Tuesday that allows tens of thousands of felons to recover their voting and other civil rights upon release from prison.

The move applies immediately to an estimated 69,000 Virginians who have completed their sentences, including ex-convicts who remain on supervision. And it comes as the state prepares for gubernatorial and legislative elections on June 8.

"Too many of our laws were written during a time of open racism and discrimination, and they still bear the traces of inequity," said Northam said in a statement.


Northam's office touted the action as the latest bipartisan move to restore civil rights over the last decade. That includes streamlining the application and eliminating the waiting period and the prerequisite that court costs and fees be paid prior to having one's rights restored.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE:  Also...

Good.  The other states are California (first, as usual, but not until 2018), Nevada and Illinois.

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