Wednesday, December 4, 2019

What to expect from the Republicans today

They’ve gotten into shouting matches over whether socialists are Nazis [courtesy Louie Gohmert]. They’ve clashed with the parents of children who died from gun violence [a Matt Gaetz stunt]. And they’ve insinuated that a key witness was having an affair on the eve of a marquee hearing [Also Matt Gaetz].

They’re some of the most colorful Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee — and these lawmakers are ready to bring their antics to the next act in the impeachment saga.

The committee is home to members of the hard-line Freedom Caucus like Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio and Louie Gohmert of Texas [known for his weekly stemwinders on the House floor, dubbed “Gohmert Hour,” and for getting into fiery exchanges with his Democratic colleagues and hearing witnesses], leaders of key conservative groups like Reps. Andy Biggs of Arizona and Mike Johnson of Louisiana, and firebrands who have a flair for the dramatic like Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida.

Aw, Jezus. I didn't realize Gym Jordan was already a member. I thought he was only on oversight. Ratcliffe - an asshat from the Intel Committee - is also on the Judiciary panel.
“It is our duty to raise every parliamentary and procedural maneuver that we can that’s legitimate,” said Biggs, who chairs the House Freedom Caucus. “Not to be dilatory, but to legitimately point out how flawed this process has been and how weak the Democratic case is. We will do that aggressively and assiduously.

“Let me put it this way: It will be better TV than the Schiff hearing,” he added.
Ah, yes. The pizazz.
Republicans on the committee are expected to throw up a series of procedural roadblocks to try to blunt Democratic momentum in any way they can at the Judiciary Committee’s first impeachment hearing on Wednesday. It’s the kind of scorched-earth tactic Trump relishes.


Particularly with Trump declining to send lawyers to the hearing, he’s leaning on this cast of colorful characters to serve as his last line of defense in the House.
"Colorful." They're all white, and they're all assholes. That's not colorful. That's bullshit.
Democrats are bracing for the GOP to disrupt the hearings with procedural shenanigans, and they don’t want to be baited into any unnecessary process fights that could serve as a distraction. During a practice session on Tuesday, Democrats had people play the parts of Jordan and Rep. Doug Collins of Georiga, the top Republican on the committee, so members can be prepared for their antics.
It won't be quite the same.
Part of Democrats' strategy is to stage a slew of somber, solemn hearings, which they hope will draw a contrast with the circuslike atmosphere they expect from the other side, according to a committee aide.
Fair enough, but Trump and the MAGAheads will be more impressed with the "antics".  They don't care about solemnity.  Or democracy, for that matter.
Republicans are betting some of their Democratic colleagues won’t be able to resist a little drama, either. The Judiciary panel — which has jurisdiction over everything from immigration to guns — tends to attract partisan warriors on both sides.


Leading the impeachment fight for Republicans will be Collins, a former attorney and military chaplain. Collins is also considering a Senate run in 2020, meaning his performance in the high-profile impeachment hearings could bolster his national profile and boost any potential bid.
And even though he had Trump's endorsement and support to replace a Georgia senator, he got denied the position by Georgia's governor in favor of a woman. He'll be in fine feather.
Collins, known as a Southern spitfire among his colleagues, steered the GOP through several rowdy Judiciary hearings related to the Russia probe earlier this year. During the impeachment proceedings, Collins and his band of Republicans on the panel are expected to hammer Democrats over their process and the breakneck pace of their impeachment probe.

And because Republicans will have the power to call witnesses, offer evidence and issue subpoenas — although all subject to the Democratic majority’s approval — they may force a number of fights with their colleagues across the aisle.


While the Intelligence Committee has only nine Republicans, the fewest of any panel, the Judiciary panel has 17 GOP members keen to slug it out.


With the impeachment probe moving to the Judiciary Committee, GOP members feel like they will be on solid ground when the argument shifts back to process and they are able to engage in the political combat they are most comfortable with.
I hope Jerry Nadler is up to the task. The Democrats need to haul the hearing back to reasons for impeachment every time the Republicans try to drag it to process.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 12/5:  All in all, it was a fair day.

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