Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The madman's letter

Here again is a link to the whole thing, but I wanted to point out this paragraph that stands out to me as perhaps the most insane and disingenuous one of all (and that's saying a lot).

That's just outstanding.  Twice the House Democrats offered him the opportunity to appear personally or through his lawyers, and he refused.  And how many times has it been pointed out that the right to confront accusers is a process of a trial, not of a hearing that is tantamount to a Grand Jury? 

And he still thinks there was nothing wrong with that phone call.  Apparently, for him to have been wrong, he would have had to use the word "bribe" in it.

Obviously, reality is not a concern in Trumpland.

And then he makes the statement that "more due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials."   That's funny.  Along with the constant refrain of "witch hunt", he's still alluding to himself as a witch.  I wonder why no one has pointed that out to him.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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