Saturday, September 21, 2019

The whistleblower issue

I originally remembered my complaint about the way people talk about whistleblowers as one that belonged to Renato Mariotti, and Asha Rangappa. But, I listened again, and it  belongs to Preet Bharara and  Susan Hennesey.

It squeezed my corpuscles when Hennessey, defending the unknown whistleblower on the current Trump-Ukraine presidential abuse/criminal conduct issue by contrasting him or her with Edward Snowden.  Hennessey (at the 50 minute mark) claimed this whistleblower went properly through channels and didn't fly off to Russia (and Bharara made a kind of agreeing snort), completely ignoring the fact that Edward Snowden also went through channels and didn't get anywhere, so he leaked the information to the press.  That's pretty much exactly what happened with this whistleblower, only for some reason, now that's okay and even heroic.

Aggravates me every time I hear some Democrat or anti-Trumper say things like that.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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