...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

I would say I wonder why he's being considered for anything after the fiasco/failure of the voter fraud bullshit he conducted, but I know that failure is not a deterrent to working in the Trump administration. It's more of a prerequisite.
The "voter security" commission he chaired never was more than a laughing stock. His campaign for governor of an extremely red state had all the charm and vitality of a pauper's grave. And now, with a glimmer of a chance at recapturing something close to political relevance, and getting to knuckle brown people at the same time, Kobach demands a private jet and, hilariously, that the president* agree to take his side in any argument against cabinet members or other members of the senior staff.
Good god, who is this knucklehead when he's at home? Even the Trump people found this high-handed.
The existence of the list has become known among officials in the Trump administration, some of whom were taken aback by what they regard as its presumptuousness.Roll that around in the ol' cortex for a spell. Trump administration officials thought Kobach was farting higher than his own arse. He might still get the job; he's just the style of jackboot that the president* loves. But what is it with these guys and private jets? There's a severe binky problem with them, that's for certain. But it's become clear that, without big government to loot, all these small-government conservatives would have to reach into their own pockets and that, my dear young people, simply is not done.
Charles P Pierce
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