Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Desperate measures

[Rick] Scott’s attorneys requested an order for the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office and Florida Department of Law Enforcement to impound and secure all voting machines and ballots from the election.

Judge Krista Marx said she does not believe she has the authority to grant that request.

Sheriff Ric Bradshaw was in the courtroom and testified he has multiple deputies in the front and back of the tabulation center in Riviera Beach, and one deputy at the Supervisor of Elections Office on Military Trail. Bradshaw said the deputies are in sight of the machines and are visibly able to observe the recount process. The deputies are there 24/7, and Bradshaw said he is willing to continue that for a reasonable amount of time but it's expensive.

When asked, Bradshaw also testified Governor Scott’s campaign never asked if he had concerns of the integrity of the system.


Outside the courtroom, Sheriff Bradshaw told reporters he has not seen or heard any allegations of nefarious behavior.


Senator Bill Nelson’s attorney also filed a motion to intervene.


Scott’s lawyer temporarily dismissed the lawsuit and agreed to discuss his request further with the sheriff.

  WPTV West Palm Beach
I think this is the third lawsuit Scott has filed over the Florida elections.  He sure is afraid of losing. What makes them so afraid of that possibility? Do they know something?

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