Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Macron's climate - trade line in the sand

In a fiery address to the UN punctuated by a claim that France will not sign a trade deal with any country outside the Paris climate agreement, President Emmanuel Macron railed against nationalism and stressed the importance of collective action in confronting the world's problems.

It does seem rather bizarre that a signatory to the UN and a major player would go before the entire body and proclaim exceptionalism and unilateralism. But that's what America is in the age of Trump - bizarre.

Also, Macron crossed Trump in speaking about Palestine.
Trampling on the Palestinians and pushing unilateral initiatives will not resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Macron said taking a swipe at his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump's policy on the issue.

"What can resolve the crisis between Israel and Palestine? Not unilateral initiatives, nor trampling on the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to legitimate peace. "There is no credible alternative to the two-state solution."

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