Tuesday, September 25, 2018

He's always winning, even when he's losing

He was referring to apprehensions on the southwest border, which is used as a metric for how many unauthorized immigrants are coming to the country: the lower the number of people apprehended, the lower the total number. So lower is seen as better.
In reality, apprehensions were down a bunch last year, but never 78 per cent. Depending on the month, it was sometimes down between 50 and 60 per cent from a year prior.
…but then, this year, there was a major spike in border crossings, so Trump couldn’t accurately claim any decline at all. He still lied for a while anyway, but then he just stopped talking about this. Untiiil...
...now, he is trying something new: claiming that he is setting *a record for border apprehensions*. A record high.
In other words: he used to claim success because of how low the numbers were, now he's claiming success because of how high the numbers are.

He's a wiley one.

And if you thought he'd spin being laughed at during his UN bragging about his administration having done more than any in US history to look favorable, you were right.

I wouldn't doubt he actually believes, not that it "was meant to get some laughter"  (it certainly wasn't), but that they were laughing in an appreciative manner.  He really believes his own self-congratulations.  All narcissists do.

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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