Tuesday, April 26, 2016

So You Want a Third Party?

Here's how today's corporate interests are going to placate you:

Ignore Jill Stein and replace a genuine third party with a faux third party.
Establishment America deserves disruption, but not of the Sanders or Trump type. Here’s how to do it.

  Wall Street Journal

Mark Zuckerberg? Michael Bloomberg?

Why [Biden/Bloomberg/Random General] Should Run

The Reasonable Center media needs a Reasonable Center candidate to placate some vaguely dissatisfied Reasonable Center that the current candidates aren’t addressing. Somehow exceedingly centrist Hillary Clinton is too “polarizing,” while Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders (often facilely lumped together) are too nutty and extreme.

First was the non-stop “mulling” of Joe Biden, whom TV news gave more airtime to in 2015 than Sanders and Cruz combined, despite never actually running. Then it was perennial tease Michael Bloomberg (trial-ballooned by Sanders-hating Jon Chait during Clinton’s February slump) whose uncalled for campaign involved a strategy of hiring “gig economy” workers to promote his McKinsey & Company-style candidacy. Then some GOP “elites” wanted Gen. David Petraeus, which would have been rich, considering he committed a security breach far greater and far wider than what’s being alleged against Clinton, the GOP’s favorite target.

The disinterested pundit class was searching for a pro-corporate, pro-gay marriage avatar who was a bit more liked than Clinton, despite the fact that Clinton was liked well enough to garner more votes than anyone in either party’s primary.

  Adam Johnson @ FAIR
...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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