Sunday, October 20, 2013

It's Sunday

During his homily at Mass in the chapel of Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis warned of the danger of “becoming a disciple of ideology.”


”In ideology there is no Jesus: his tenderness, love, meekness. And ideologies are always rigid,” the Pope said.

” And when a Christian becomes a disciple of ideology, they have lost the faith: they are no more a disciple of Jesus, they are a disciple of this attitude of thought, of this…” And for this reason Jesus says to them: ‘You have taken away the key of knowledge’.”


Emphasizing the importance of prayer in Christian life, the 76 year old pontiff, saying that without it, a Christian witness becomes a witness full of pride. Ideological Christians, he said, become proud, sure of themselves and lacking humility. The Holy Father however made the distinction of true prayer and the mere recitation of prayers. [...] “It is one thing to pray and another to recite prayers,” the Pope said.

I'm telling you (again), Pope Frank could be in danger.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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