Friday, August 31, 2012

The Audacity of GOP

But really, the proper response to a speech like this isn’t to carefully analyze the logic, or to find instances of hypocracy; it’s to call the speaker out for telling flat-out lies to the American people. Paul Ryan has had what I’ve long thought was an undeserved good reputation among many in the press and in Washington. It shouldn’t survive tonight’s speech. 


It was, by any reasonable standards, a staggering, staggering lie. Here’s Paul Ryan about Barack Obama: He created a bipartisan debt commission. They came back with an urgent report.  He thanked them, sent them on their way, and then did exactly nothing. “They.” “Them.” “Them.” Those words are lies. Because Paul Ryan was on that commission. “Came back with an urgent report.” That is a lie. The commission never made any recommendations for Barack Obama to support or oppose. Why not? Because the commission voted down its own recommendations. Why? Because Paul Ryan, a member of the commission, voted it down and successfully convinced the other House Republicans on the commission to vote it down.

That wasn’t the only bit of mendacity – lazy mendacity, incredibly lazy mendacity – in Ryan’s speech. Twitter lit up as soon as he started telling the story of the Janesville auto plant that Barack Obama didn’t save – a plant that, it turns out, closed before Obama was president. And of course there’s the infamous cuts to Medicare that Ryan lambasted Obama for without happening to mention that those very same cuts were in Paul Ryan’s own budget.
  Dick Sargeant

What was it Charlie Pierce said?
The Republicans simply don't care.


The Republicans will just tell the lie again. And again. And once more, until people get tired of telling the truth in response.
  Charlie Pierce
He's right, of course.  But I don't see any need for them to lie.  With their following, all they need to do is stand there and say, "9/11, Abortion, 9/11, Abortion, 9/11, Abortion."

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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