Thursday, March 1, 2018

Manchin needs a long vacation from politics

Ahead of a bipartisan meeting with President Donald Trump Wednesday to discuss school safety, Democratic Senator Joe Manchin refused to support a ban on AR-15s, stating that none of his friends who own the semi-automatic rifle have ever broken the law with it.


“I don’t own an AR-15, nor do I have a need to buy one’ Manchin initially responded on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. “I have a lot of friends that own them and they are not committing crimes, they bought them because they could.”


Manchin has long been regarded as the most conservative Democrat in the Senate. Holding office in the state of West Virginia, which went to Trump by more than 40 points in the 2016 presidential election, Manchin has complained about the Democratic Party’s move to the left and flirted with retirement until as recently as last month.

I think retirement is just the ticket for Mr. Manchin.
“They’re sold now legally, I’m not going to weigh in on that at this point in time,” he said. “I don’t have a desire to buy one, I don’t own one. I have a lot of friends that have sports cars, 200 mph on the speedometer, do you think they’re going to go 200? But they think they can or it will if they wanted to. That is a difficult one, there is not enough votes to repeal that.”
No. No, it's not difficult. Your friends obviously have too much money. Why are they buying things they'll never use?
Asked once again how he would vote on a proposal to ban AR-15s, Manchin said: “I don’t have any friends that own the gun right now, I don’t know anyone who’s committed a crime with it so I wouldn’t take their gun away.”
Do your friends or don't they have AR-15s? First, lots of them own them, and now none of them do.

Secondly, I guess it's technically true you don't know anyone who's committed a crime with an AR-15 if you haven't yet been introduced to Nick Cruz, but do you know anyone who's gotten hopped up on meth and held someone up at knifepoint? How do you feel about legalizing meth usage? And, furthermore, and more importantly, why does the political and social direction of the United States rest on who you know and what your ridiculous friends are doing?

 Go ahead.  Retire.  You obviously need a rest.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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