Monday, January 22, 2018

How they voted

From the New York Times

And here are the party outliers:

So Mitch McConnell himself voted no?  And Schumer voted no, so why the big smile?  

Schumer said McConnell has committed that if negotiators fail to reach an immigration deal before the stopgap spending measure expires on Feb. 8 “the Senate will immediately proceed to consideration of legislation” to protect "Dreamers."

He said McConnell has promised that immigration debate “will be neutral and fair to all sides.”

“Now there is a real pathway to get a bill on the floor and through the Senate. It is a good solution, and I will vote for it,” Schumer said.

  The Hill
And yet, you didn't. What's the game?

I really don't get it.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

P.S.  FYI John McCain is the one who didn't vote.

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