Friday, September 6, 2024

For F#ck's Sake

Thirty-four counts. He's been found guilty. He needs to be sentenced.
Judge Juan Merchan, who oversaw the seven-week trial, was set to sentence Trump on Sept. 18. But he granted the delay after Trump contended one was necessary for several reasons, including that he would first appeal if Merchan doesn’t toss the 34-count conviction on presidential immunity grounds.

In his ruling, Merchan emphasized that by pushing back the sentencing, it would ensure that the presidential election in November is not affected by his judgment, and vice versa.


Trump made relentless efforts to delay his hush money trial, but they failed. Last month, he tried for a second time to remove his case to federal court — a last-ditch move that was swiftly rejected by a federal judge, who said the former president failed to show “good cause.”

Ever since the Supreme Court carved out presidential immunity, however, Trump has experienced newfound success.

  The Hill
I honestly didn't think Merchan would do it.  Perhaps he was concerned for the safety of his daughter, who Trump has been badmouthing.

Jesus.  We're living under threat of a dictator-wannabe who isn't even in office yet.

Please!  He's not a politician.  He's supposed to be considering the law, not the appearance of anything.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 05:19 pm:

UPDATE 06:45 pm:
Prosecutors with Bragg’s office argued their case involved Trump’s personal conduct, not official acts, so there was no reason to overturn the verdict.

But they took no position on Trump’s request to delay sentencing, saying in a 16 August filing they deferred to Merchan on the question. The prosecutors said an appellate court could delay the sentencing anyway to give itself time to consider Trump’s arguments, a move they said would be “disruptive”.


“Judge Merchan should have sentenced Trump on 9/18 and then allowed him to remain out of custody while his appeals are pending,” said the MSNBC legal analyst Katie Phang in reaction to the ruling. “This delay only serves to embolden Trump and fuels the narrative that there was something afoul in this case.”


Ok.  I'm reluctantly with Merchan if indeed this keeps the case from going to the Supreme Court before the election.  I've seen it said that it means Merchan plans on giving Trump jail time.  Not sure that follows for a certainty, but I can see some logic in thinking that.  

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