Friday, September 6, 2024


Pretty sure they don't see themselves that way.

On Wednesday, the Department of Justice indicted two employees of RT, formerly Russia Today, a Russian state-run media outlet, for covertly shoveling millions of dollars at MAGA influencers happy to do Russia’s bidding.


Putin has already howled that Russia’s response will make “everyone shudder.” It’s all part of the DOJ’s fight against election interference and an open acknowledgment that the Kremlin favors a Trump win. It’s a more aggressive approach, thankfully, than Obama took in 2016, and will hopefully lead us to a better election result this time around.


[The indictment] has led to the delightful specter of high-profile rightwing commentators loudly insisting they were too stupid to know that Russian money was behind the wildly exorbitant sums they received for producing content.


The indictment names Kostiantyn Kalashnikov, aka Kostya, and Elena Afanasyeva, aka Lena, as the RT employees who laundered close to $10 million through foreign shell companies, ultimately raining all that money down on an unnamed American media company, US Company-1, who then passed it along to unnamed commentators 1-6.


Kostya and Lena are charged with conspiracy to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). [...] The key here is the covert part. There’s no prohibition on publications from foreign governments overtly and transparently attempting to shape American opinion. The idea is just that Americans have the right to know.

Kostya and Lena are also charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering, as the $10 million they gave to Tenet was sent through a truly staggering maze of shell entities in the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Mauritius, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. They also lied about what the money being sent to Tenet was for, with the indictment noting that the wire transfers to Tenet often referred to the purchase of electronics rather than paying for media services.


And earlier this year, the DOJ indicted Barry Bennett and Douglas Watts, both of whom worked on Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, for their failure to register and disclose they were lobbying on behalf of Qatar.


Though unnamed, the company and several commentators are easily discernible to anyone paying attention to the rightwing media grift. The company is most definitely Tenet Media, and its founders are most definitely Lauren Chen, who was also at BlazeTV until the indictment dropped and they fired her, and her husband, Liam Donovan.

And the commentators? Tenet’s ridiculous website describes them as “heterodox commentators” and “creators who question institutions that believe themselves to be above questioning.” That would be Dave Rubin, Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, Lauren Southern, Matt Christiansen, and Tayler Hansen.


Media companies are exempt from registering if they’re organized under the laws of any US jurisdiction, are at least 80 percent owned by US citizens, are run by US citizens, and are not “owned, directed, supervised, controlled, subsidized, or financed by any foreign principal or agent.”

So, if Tenet had been genuinely financed and controlled by Chen and Donovan, there would be no problem here, even if they had some relationship with RT. The issue is that it appears Tenet was wholly financed by RT in secret, Chen and Donovan knew it, and the RT employees got to shape coverage.


Besides the fact that laundering pro-Russian, anti-Ukraine content in secret through willing American talking heads allowed Russia to pretend that sentiment was homegrown, RT had another reason for going through Tenet: RT itself was dropped by American cable distributors, banned in Europe, and RT America went out of business in March 2022 after Russia invaded Ukraine.


And now we arrive at the part where all of these right-wingers can only get out from under these allegations by claiming they are very dumb.

  Public Notice
And they are not too proud to do just that.  MAGA cannot be shamed or embarrassed.

Continue reading.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 09:21 am:

It's very obvious Justin Hart "read" it right.

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