Saturday, September 7, 2024

Dick Fucking Cheney, a RINO!

Correction: It wasn't Dick Cheney who was called Bush's Brain, it was Karl Rove.

RINO now means anybody who doesn't bow down to Trump.
“Dick Cheney is an irrelevant RINO, along with his daughter, who lost by the largest margin in the History of Congressional Races!” the former president wrote in a post on Truth Social, referring to former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), who lost her 2022 midterm election to a Trump-backed challenger.

The criticism comes after Cheney, who served under former President George W. Bush, said Friday in a statement that he will support Vice President Harris in the fall.

  The Hill
Let's be clear: Dick Cheney did not serve UNDER George W Bush. Dick Cheney wasn't called "Bush's Brain" for nothing. Dick Cheney was charged with finding Bush a running mate and came up with himself! Dick Cheney ran the country while George "Dubya" Bush sat in the Oval Office and rode around on Air Force One.
“As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution,” Cheney said. “That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.”


[Trump] noted in his Friday post that Cheney was unable to get his former adviser, Lewis “Scooter” Libby, pardoned.


Trump issued a pardon to the former Bush official in 2018.


The former president also argued that Cheney is the “King of Endless, Nonsensical Wars, wasting Lives and Trillions of Dollars, just like Comrade Kamala Harris.”

“I am the Peace President, and only I will stop World War III!” he claimed.
That is laughable. We don't know what Kamala Harris will do. And, he tried his best to start WWIII, calling Kim Jong Un names (before they wrote each other "love letters"), and attempting to destroy NATO. But he's right about Cheney being the king of endless wars. On the other hand, Trump didn't end the ones he inherited.
“[Liz Cheney] and her Unselects deleted and destroyed all evidence and information – IT’S GONE. Must of it proved that [former Speaker] Nancy Pelosi was responsible for J6 – DIDN’T PROVIDE SECURITY,” [Trump] wrote.
I didn't see it. Maybe he did write "must", but it's a bullshit claim. They didn't destroy any evidence, and Nancy Pelosi was not responsible for the lack of security on January 6.
The former president wrote in his post that those who sat on the Jan. 6 select committee “should be prosecuted for what they did.”

But, he added “Comrade Kamala is even worse!”
Prosecuted for holding an investigation. What does that tell you?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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