Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Understand the assignment

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. economists gamed out the potential economic implications of a Republican or Democratic victory in the November elections, cautioning that US GDP faces a hit in the case of a win for Donald Trump.

“We estimate that if Trump wins in a sweep or with divided government, the hit to growth from tariffs and tighter immigration policy would outweigh the positive fiscal impulse” from maintaining most tax cuts.

That wasn't so hard to predict since it's what happened the last time Trump was in the White House.
Should Vice President Kamala Harris win and Democrats secure control of both chambers of Congress, “new spending and expanded middle-income tax credits would slightly more than offset lower investment due to higher corporate tax rates,” the Goldman economists wrote. That would result in “a very slight boost to GDP growth on average over 2025-2026.”
We'll take a slight boost over a hit any day.
Should Harris win the White House in a divided-government scenario, where Republicans control at least one chamber of Congress, “the effects of policy changes would be small and neutral on net,” Phillips and his colleagues wrote.


A surge in immigration is viewed by many economists as having contributed to strong US employment growth in recent years, in the face of high interest rates.

“We estimate that the contribution from immigration to labor force growth if Harris wins would be 10,000 per month higher than if Trump wins with divided government,” and 30,000 a month higher than if Republicans sweep, Goldman’s economists wrote.
You know what to do.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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