Friday, August 2, 2024

Secretary of Retribution

I found the “Secretary of Retribution” on Tuesday, sitting on a couch on media row during the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. As an associate filmed him with a phone camera, [long-time associate of Michael Flynn and former Green Beret] Ivan Raiklin was railing against enemies of former President Donald Trump. The self-styled Retribution Secretary had an ominous message: “Constitutional sheriffs,” he warned, were going to round up all the people on Raiklin’s “Deep State target list” in live-streamed “swatting raids” so they could be punished for treason.

Those who wanted to avoid such a fate, he said, had until September 3 to “come out as a whistleblower,” by reaching out to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) or Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) to help with their investigations into the “weaponization” of government. Then, he said, “We will spare you. Everyone else will be treated as a co-conspirator.”


For the past six months or so, Raiklin has been circulating an enemies list of about 350 people whom he believes should be prosecuted for treason. The list, which has unnerved many democracy advocates, includes former Vice President Mike Pence, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, journalists, witnesses from Trump’s impeachment hearings, Capitol police officers, and more.


Raiklin also calls himself the “Deep State Marauder.”

  Mohter Jones
Raiklin is also a total nutjob, which should not surprise you, considering he's associated with total nutjob Michael flynn.
I attempted to ask Raiklin about the allegations that he was inciting political violence with his target list.
“I have full 100 percent disrespect for your news organization. One hundred percent. When you can lower that to below 99.9 percent, then I’ll consider communicating with you. Is that fair?…When you can show that level of repentance to start getting things right, then I’ll see you’re making a good faith effort to try to report accurately and truthfully. So you may want to go back to your employer and start to inform them that they need to start becoming an accurate purveyors of content. Until that happens, well, you can go and talk to other people, ‘cause I’m not moving.”

Raiklin told me cryptically to “talk to Elon Musk” about the Deep State list.
You may recall Ivan Raiklin (Russian origins?) from the 2020-21 coup attempt.
To coordinate national efforts, Raiklin and [Houston real estate mogul Al] Hartman on 3 July spearheaded one of a series of “Election Integrity” calls with Trump loyalists, lawyers and donors to discuss the status of audits efforts in several states and other plans to cast doubt on Biden’s win, according to an Arizona senate document shared by the watchdog group American Oversight.


Raiklin in December 2020 outlined a wild scheme in tweets and a podcast to thwart Biden’s win, charging a vast conspiracy that included Pence, intelligence, China and Big Tech, as Reuters reported. Raiklin told Trump to “activate the emergency broadcast system” and deployed the hashtag #FightLikeAFlynn, stressing that “we the people are going to force this plan on them”.

For more, you can read this MSN article on Raiklin's meeting with Texas sheriffs last summer outlining how his retribution plan would work.

And there's this...

Gee, maybe Trump has Alex Jones to thank for the assassination attempt.

I don't want to link to that Stasi shit.  But the list is very long.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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