Thursday, June 6, 2024

Democrats proving useless again

Democratic voters expect their representatives in Congress to fight for them and against Trumpism. One of the most frightening dangers the country currently faces is an unaccountable Supreme Court majority that’s willing to shred precedent and the Constitution in its pursuit of a far right agenda. Alito and Thomas have demonstrated egregious corruption, bias, and disrespect for the Constitution and American people. Democrats have a responsibility to do everything in their power to hold the Court accountable.


[Senate Judiciary Chair Dick] Durbin’s sad tactic of just begging the justices to do better has not worked. Why won’t he use the tools he has? It’s unclear; his explanations (like arguing Thomas wouldn’t show up anyway) don’t make a lot of sense. Maybe he’s conflict averse. Maybe he’s leery of undermining the legitimacy of the court. Maybe he’s afraid of GOP backlash.

Whatever his reasons, though, the result is the same. The GOP uses its control of the gavel in the House to boost their narratives and directly exert pressure in an effort to subvert the justice system. Democrats, meanwhile, let their gavel in the Senate sit there, refusing to use it to focus national attention, and decline to even use it to protect the integrity of the judiciary or Constitution.


Jim Jordan is horrible in just about every way, but he’s willing to use the tools he’s got to push for the (evil) policy outcomes he prefers. Democrats in Congress should be every bit as willing to use the resources they have to defend democracy. If they aren’t, what are they even there for?

  Public Notice
...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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