Friday, November 17, 2023

Colorado judge rejects 14th amendment challenge, but....

Add that to Michigan's rejection.

But...and it's a BIG but...

UPDATE 11/18/2023:  From the order:

Passing the buck?  What if this goes to the Supreme Court and they refuse to hear the case?  Would that kick it back to this court, or would it be dead in the water?

And the last, strange factor in these cases is whether the presidency is an office of the government.

Then why do we call it "the office of the president of the United States?"

UPDATE 11/18/2023 11:23 am:

Expect an appeal of this case.  Also, there is - or will be - an appeal in the Michigan case.

I don't know anybody who actually ever believed that in the first place.

UPDATE 11/19/2023:

This is a good explanation if you want to delve into the ruling that Trump is not barred by the 14th amendment.

UPDATE 11/22/2023:

UPDATE 11/27/2023:

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