Monday, November 6, 2023

Fun times in New York Court - Part 1

Quote of the day:
Looks like it went that way pretty much the whole time...

I foresee some steam on Truth Social this afternoon. compose a tweet...

And, like his sons, Trump wants us to believe he had nothing to do with his company's finances...

I can believe the sons didn't know jack shit about anything, but Trump wouldn't leave his finances to someone else.  His money is the only thing important to  him.

Another possible reason for the rants: "It may just be that Mr. Trump is incoherent, that his answers make quite literally no sense."

  Chuck Rosenberg @ MSNBC
And that he's more of a bundle of reactive cells that think they're a king than a human being.

So much for just answering the question.  That was never going to fly.

And that's lunch.

We'll be back in a bit with part 2.

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