Friday, August 4, 2023


I wonder which came first...

The Trump bleat is time-stamped 4:16 pm...

...which would be 7 hours ago in my time zone, and the Griffin post is stamped 7 hours ago.    

UPDATE 09:41 pm:

Attacking the prosecutor's wife on the day you're arraigned. Genius!

  Charlie Pierce
UPDATE 10:16 pm:

UPDATE 08/05/2023:

We wait.

It would be nice if Judge Chutkan called in Trump and his attorneys and told them she's going to move everything up and along on the fastest possible schedule because defendant cannot keep his fucking shit together.  And that he can find himself awaiting trial in a jail cell in the alternative.

We wait.

UPDATE 08/05/2023 11:05 am:

Sure.  Whatever that means.

You think she'll buy that explanation?

UPDATE 07:07 pm:

Something tells me she's not going to put up with Trump's usual bullshit.  Sad!

UPDATE 07:36 pm:

UPDATE 08/06/2023:  (To be clear, the following is NOT special counsel Jack Smith.)

UPDATE 08/07/2023:

UPDATE 08/07/2023 03:12 pm:

Something tells me Nancy is enjoying this.

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