Monday, September 19, 2022

Where the GOP is headed

Outgoing Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers (R) has called a failed Republican proposal that would have allowed the legislature to overturn election results in his state akin to “fascism.”

“The legislature, after the election, could dismiss the election,” Bowers said of the proposal, which he effectively killed, according to excerpts of a CNN special report set to air Sunday night. “And I said, welcome to fascism.”

The proposal would have overhauled the state’s election system, eliminating most early and absentee voting and restricting where ballots could be cast.

It would have also made the legislature review the election process afterward, allowing the body to “accept or reject the election results.”

  The Hill
This would effectively reduce all legal authorities to somewhere below state legislators. You have to admit, the GOP had their ducks in a row for the long game. Gerrymander to win control of state legislatures, install "conservative" justices on the Supreme Court by hook or by crook (thanks, Mitch), then give all power over elections to those gerrymandered legislatures. It took a few years, but they were focused. Insane Trumpists may spoil their game in the end by being insane Trumpists. Time will tell, and the elections this November will be another indicator.

Expect more states to try this (and Arizona to try again), especially if the Supreme Court rules in favor of independent state legislatures when they take up Moore v. Harper this term. Something which, unsurprisingly, all state chief justices (they don't want to be demoted!) have signed on to oppose in an amicus brief in Moore.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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