Tuesday, December 8, 2020

What is this freedom of speech of which you speak?

James Phillips, chief of disaster medicine at George Washington University and an attending physician under contract for Walter Reed, criticized Trump in October for his decision to drive with Secret Service agents to greet supporters while he was hospitalized at the Bethesda, Md., facility.

“Every single person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary Presidential 'drive-by' just now has to be quarantined for 14 days. They might get sick. They may die. For political theater. Commanded by Trump to put their lives at risk for theater. This is insanity,” Phillips tweeted.

He later said in an interview that Trump’s “dangerous move” sent the “wrong message.”

Sources told CBS that Phillips was removed from rotation at Walter Reed, though officials there denied that it was their decision.

  The Hill
...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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