Tuesday, December 22, 2020

He's going to sign the defense bill

And here's why...

"In the event that President Trump does elect to veto this bipartisan bill, it appears the House may choose to return after the holidays to set up a vote to consider the veto. ... In the event that the president has vetoed the bill, and the House has voted to override the veto, the Senate would have the opportunity to process a veto override at that time," McConnell [said].


Trump has issued eight vetoes during his tenure, none of which have been successfully overridden.


Congress has until noon on Jan. 3 to override the veto. If Congress fails to override the veto by then, lawmakers would need to start from scratch on the bill, and it would be the first time in 60 years the bill does not become law.


“I will Veto the Defense Bill, which will make China very unhappy,” Trump tweeted last Thursday. “They love it. Must have Section 230 termination, protect our National Monuments and allow for removal of military from far away, and very unappreciative, lands. Thank you!”
He'll just act like he never said that. He's flip-flopped countless times in his tenure. No big deal.
The defense bill passed both chambers with veto-proof majorities and top GOP senators had indicated that there was backchanneling underway to try to get Trump to back down from his veto threat. He has until Wednesday to veto the bill.

  The Hill
He won't want the final bill he signs to be vetoed. He can't take being booted from office and vetoed all at the same time. He'll sign it.

It's what he'll do in January that should worry us.


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