Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Trump campaign has pulled out of advertising in Michigan

And it's not like they don't have enough money.
President Donald Trump’s campaign is not currently running television or radio ads in Michigan and its allied super PAC has been dark in the state for most of July, a possible indication that the key Upper Midwestern battleground is beginning to fall out of reach.

The Trump campaign stopped running ads in Michigan last week, while it continues to advertise in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to the ad tracking firm Medium Buying. America First Action, the pro-Trump super PAC, has not aired advertising there since July 2 and its latest flight that ties Joe Biden to the “Defund the Police” movement is not scheduled to air in Michigan. Instead, the spot is running in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona and North Carolina.


A Trump official noted the campaign has reserved time in Michigan for the homestretch. “Biden can continue to spend a million a week there if he wants to,” the aide said.


Whereas the Biden campaign doubled its total advertising in Michigan from June to July, Trump reduced its allocation there by more than half the amount over the same period. After spending $2.5 million in June, the president’s team shrunk its Michigan budget to under $1 million in July.


“The numbers speak for themselves and the advertising dollars speak for themselves,” said a Trump administration official who was involved with the 2016 campaign. “The campaign thinks they have a better shot in Pennsylvania and that’s why they are matching Biden on advertising there.”


“The numbers are dismal,” said one GOP pollster familiar with internal data tracking the state.


Trump has not led in a single public poll of Michigan all year.


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