Monday, July 27, 2020

Speaking of using people as a means to an end...

When Srebrenica fell to a Serb separatist attack 25 years ago, Bosnia’s Muslim-led government was reeling from the mass killings under way in the small enclave. So Bosnian officials were stunned when Washington’s immediate response was to coax them to make new concessions – including acceptance of their country’s eventual partition on ethnic lines.

Declassified documents from the period and interviews with some of the protagonists reflect the determination of Bill Clinton and his foreign policy team to find a solution to the three-year conflict at all costs before his re-election campaign began in earnest in 1996 – even if that meant rewarding the Bosnian Serb leaders for their policy of ethnic cleansing by granting them their objective: secession.

As some people say...America's meaningful divide is not left and right, it's top and bottom.
More than 8,000 men and boys were slaughtered after Srebrenica, supposedly a UN “safe area” was captured by Serb forces, in the first European act genocide since the Nazi era.
Happens all the time. Presidents trying to keep their power sacrifice other people, including their own countrymen. Ask Nixon about VietNam. Ask Bush about Iraq.

We have yet to see what Trump will do.

Continue reading.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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