Saturday, May 23, 2020

What Joe doesn't want you to know

Joe Biden’s campaign limited press access to a fundraiser with Wall Street donors on Thursday night, the first time reporters were unable to join the video portion of a virtual fundraiser or hear the presumptive Democratic nominee answer questions.


The Biden campaign has long touted its open fundraisers as evidence of the former vice president’s commitment to transparency. Since Biden started his campaign, he has allowed a pool of reporters to attend his events. The campaign has also allowed a pool to watch his virtual fundraisers hosted on Zoom. But, on Thursday night, the pool was only given a call-in line, prohibiting reporters from seeing who was in attendance.


“Tonight’s event was a new format as we enter a new phase of the general election campaign, but we will continue to ensure press access to our virtual finance events as part of our campaign’s commitment to transparency -- one that vastly exceeds anything that Donald Trump and his campaign have offered the American people,” Rufus Gifford, Biden’s deputy campaign manager, said in a statement.

Continue implies you're doing it now.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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