Sunday, May 31, 2020

The quiet part out loud

“Looters deserve to be shot. But not by government. #2A” state Rep. Tony Lovasco (R) wrote on Friday afternoon, referring to the Second Amendment.

Twitter has since taken down the tweet for violating its guidelines but screenshots began circulating on social media.


Missouri House Minority Leader Crystal Quade (D) said in a statement that while anyone who commits a crime should be prosecuted, “an elected official who advocates for extrajudicial murder is just as lawless as those he condemns and is unfit to hold public office.”

U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) called the tweet “sickening,” and said the rhetoric is “what Trump has unleashed.”


Lovasco attempted to clarify his point in a follow-up tweet, saying people have “missed my point.”

“1) Trump was wrong to threaten looters with being shot. 2) If you loot & a property owner shoots you*, I have no sympathy. 3) I'm not telling anyone to shoot anybody, just saying what I think people deserve.”

  The Hill

Lovasco condemned Floyd's killing and praised Chavin's arrest, having spent several days calling for criminal charges to be brought against the officer.

"It's impossible for people to trust law enforcement when obvious abuses of power are ignored, as is sadly often the case," Lovasco wrote on Tuesday.
Yeah, you've got some cleaning up to do, buddy.

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