Wednesday, January 22, 2020


They can stretch their legs in the back of the room.  If they need a potty break, fine.  Does somebody have to be there to escort them and bring them back?

If the Dem senators running for president have to be there, everyfuckingbody has to be there.

Can the Dems demand another vote on something and see how long it takes to get them back in the room?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.


Okay, he didn't say that to Roberts.  But he did stop and turn to Roberts noting that people were getting up and moving around and asked if they should take a break, and noted that he had about 15 minutes left.  Roberts said, no, they could go on.  So if Crow was making a point to Roberts - and I do think he was - Roberts shut him down.  Mitch then got up and said they'd go to a 6:30 and break for dinner - another 2 hours away.

UPDATE:  Democratic senator Chris Murphy says he didn't see any of this, and in fact that at any given time from his view, "95%" of senators were in their seats and listening, while others may have been standing in the back of the room to stretch their legs.

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