Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A very Republican tale

Businessman Omar Navarro has leveraged his frequent campaigns against [Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)] to become a prominent voice on the far-right, earning more than $1 million in campaign contributions and the backing of Trumpworld figures like controversial former sheriff Joe Arpaio, former Trump adviser Roger Stone, and Ret. Gen. Michael Flynn.

Despite that support, Navarro lost both his 2016 and 2018 runs against Waters by more than 50 percentage points each. Faced with unanimous voter rejection, Navarro has chosen to run again in 2020.

  Daily Beasst
If at first - and second - you don't succeed, right?
San Francisco police arrested Navarro on Saturday night, after he was allegedly seen near ex-girlfriend DeAnna Lorraine Tesoriero’s apartment.

Tesoriero, a self-styled MAGA relationship expert who is running a quixotic congressional run of her own against Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), told The Daily Beast that she saw Navarro skulking outside her home late at night. Tesoriero said she then received a text from an unknown number with the message, “Bitch, I came to see you.”

“Clearly, he has a lot of screws loose,” Tesoriero told The Daily Beast.


Tesoriero called the police, who arrested Navarro on three felony charges: felony stalking, criminal threats, and attempted extortion. Navarro is also facing a misdemeanor charge for allegedly violating a five-year restraining order Tesoriero received against him earlier this year after months of harassing text messages from Navarro.

In an interview, Tesoriero claimed that Navarro offered her money to marry him, threatened to leak her relatives’ addresses to left-wing antifascist “antifa” activists, and even threatened her pets.


“Men in this country get treated unjustly, too, you have to acknowledge that,” Navarro said. “Just because a woman says something doesn’t mean it’s true.”

Navarro complained that, by calling the police on him, Tesoriero had violated Ronald Reagan’s “11th Commandment,” an often-cited GOP precept warning Republicans not to criticize one another publicly.
I don't know how I've lived this long without knowing about that 11th Commandment.
Tesoriero dated Navarro for a few months earlier this year, and once organized a testosterone-soaked “Tribute to Men” with him featuring various pro-Trump personalities like PragerU YouTube star Will Witt and former Pussycat Dolls singer Kaya Jones. But their relationship has soured since then, with Navarro getting in a confrontation with Tesoriero at a Washington, D.C. bar in the lead-up to a rally for the far-right Proud Boys men’s group.

The fallout from that fight cost Navarro many of his allies on the right, including the Proud Boys, a pro-Trump group of self-described “Western chauvinists” whose members have faced assault charges in New York and Oregon. Navarro responded by blasting the Proud Boys as the “joke boys.”


This isn’t Navarro’s first run-in with the law. In 2017, he was put on probation for putting a tracking device on his then-wife’s car.
...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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