Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Just in: Nadler announcing Articles of Impeachment

1)  Abuse of power

2)  Obstruction of Congress

There was a good bit of debate over what should be included, and obstruction of justice was one article that most people assumed would be included.  It was speculated in one thing I read that they didn't include it because they didn't have complete support of even all the Democrats in the House to vote for impeachment on anything outside the Ukraine affair.  Maybe we'll get some info on their deliberations later.


I think Mueller laid out the obstruction of justice case quite clearly, but I understand that would have brought in a whole can of worms.

The major problem with not using that as an article is that when the Senate votes against impeachment, Trump will still be left with a talking point that he DIDN'T obstruct justice, because if he had, the Dems would surely have used it as an article.

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