Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mnuchin's head will now be on the block

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Monday said that a Chinese delegation canceled visits to U.S. farm communities last week at the administration's request, a comment that caught President Trump by surprise.

Trump was asked during a bilateral meeting with the Egyptian president about the cancellation and what he thought it meant for trade talks with Beijing. The president deferred to Mnuchin, who downplayed the significance of the move.

"That was actually at our request they delayed that," Mnuchin said. "We didn’t want there to be any confusion. They have started buying agriculture. They're going to reschedule that at a different time. The timing didn’t work, but that was our request."

"Why was that at our request, just out of curiosity?" Trump said.

"We didn’t want confusion," Mnuchin responded.

"Yeah, but I want them to buy farm products," Trump interjected.

  The Hill
Right out in public.  He didn't have the sense to pretend he knew what his administration is doing.

Things still running smoothly in the Trump administration.
Chinese representatives last Friday scrapped plans to visit farms this week in Bozeman, Mont., and Omaha, Neb. The trip was intended to foster goodwill between the countries as they seek a deal to end the ongoing trade war, but the cancelation dampened optimism about the prospect of ongoing talks.
So what's the real story?

And how long before Mnuchin finds himself tweet-fired?

Not long, I hope.

Take a look at Trump's face at the end of that exchange with Mnuchin. Probably it won't be long.

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