Sunday, September 22, 2019

Impeach the motherfucker

Call your representatives.

Or do this...

And here's a Twitter thread on the subject of citizen's demands to impeach:

Continue reading

UPDATE:  The Action Network site has your representatives listed and a letter already written up for you if you don't want to write your own.  It couldn't be easier. 

My representatives are among the worst of the GOP, so here's my letter to Senators Josh Hawley and Roy Blunt, and Missouri state representative Vicky Hartzler.  It's more general than specific, because they're not going to actually give a shit about details (or generalities, for that matter), but I think if your reps are Democrats, you should go for specifics, and the default letter on the site does that.
I know you have every reason to want to keep Trump in office for your own PERSONAL benefit.  However, I'm interested in the good of the state of Missouri, the country, and the planet.

Trump must go.  Now.  Before he can do more damage.

He is petulant, vindictive, and self-serving.  He is eminently unfit for the office he holds.

He lies daily.  He works with foreign countries to dismantle our democracy and with party allies to undermine the rule of law and our long-standing ideals.

He has obstructed justice and directs his followers to view the media and his opponents as enemies of the people, putting lives in danger, while supporting and giving comfort to white supremacists.

He has destroyed the country's relationship with our allies and democracies around the world in favor of dealing with dictatorships.

The Mueller report laid out some of the many ways he has undermined and abused the office of the presidency, utilizing foreign interference in our election process to win that office, then obstructing efforts to investigate.

And now, after having just passed through that 2-year investigation, he's done it again, with the help of his personal attorney and his Department of State, pressuring Ukrainian leaders to investigate a political rival for his use in the next election.

He has installed yes men and sycophants in every high office in this administration and fired anyone who dared to disagree with him.  You know as well as I that if you cross him, you'll receive similar public retaliation, but I expect backbone and courage in my representatives, whether I personally voted to elect them or not.

You know what you're doing, and you know the damage your support of this corrupt and self-serving president is doing to our country.

YOU need to do something about it.

Support articles of impeachment.

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