Wednesday, July 24, 2019

What happened?

Also, he said numerous times that this was a special case, because it involved the president.  I think there's much too much deference being paid to the office.  To the point that we have a mobster in the White House who wants to stay there (or put a family member there), and nobody who can is willing to put him out.

A couple of Republicans made sure to note that it could be possible Steele was taken in by Russian disinformation.  No Democrat touched the subject. And Barr's DOJ is now investigating - gee, I wonder what their conclusion will be.  We're essentially left with the idea that the Steele reports have been discredited.  I don't know the truth behind any of these claims, but I do think a once useful and credible intelligence source will not be providing US agencies any more help.

Except he did say unequivocally that this was no witch hunt.  He was clear about that.  Trumpaloes are going to lie forever and ever amen.  No matter what Mueller had said, they would do that.  But, that first hearing did leave lots of room for them to claim vindication.  Party the Dems fault and partly Mueller's.  (But Mueller had no political dog in this non-witch hunt.)

Sarah is right, and that's why I've been saying that the Dems are making a huge mistake if they're hanging their impeachment decision on the Mueller report and obstruction of justice charges.

Sad, but true.

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