Saturday, December 22, 2018

Taxpayers foot the (very high) bill for His Lardship's hobnobbing

Donald Trump has trashed relationships with the U.S.’s closest allies the past year, insulted foreign leaders, scorned decades-old alliances in overseas meetings, and undermined global regulatory bodies.

Nonetheless, he plans to travel to the World Economic Forum in Davos again this coming January to hobnob with some of the richest, most powerful people from around the world, including CEOs, philanthropists, heads of state, and royalty—the very globalists he disparages.


This is the second year in a row that Trump will attend. U.S. presidents had not regularly attended Davos before Trump: Ronald Reagan gave a speech via video, and George Bush, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama skipped the forum entirely. Bill Clinton didn’t attend until the last year of his presidency.


Trump will accompanied by a large administration contingent, including six cabinet members, dozens of officials and aides, and his daughter Ivanka, and U.S. taxpayers are on the hook for a hefty bill.

Already, hotel expenses alone have reached about $2.9 million.


The final bill for the Trump administration’s Davos trip will almost certainly be far higher still, because there is often a lag of weeks or sometimes months between when the U.S. government spends money and then files spending records. Only nine travel expenditures related to WEF 2019 have been posted thus far; a total of 38 are posted on the federal government’s main public-facing spending database for Trump’s trip to Davos last January.

The costs also don’t include the estimated $2.2 million for the cost of flying Air Force One.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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