Friday, August 31, 2018

Lame duck crisis

I really hadn't even considered how desperate and dangerous Trump will be in the three months between midterm elections in November and when the next Congress goes into session in January if the Democrats win one or both houses of Congress. But I think this assessment is right:
The implication of recent reporting is that [Trump's steps to protect himself from Mueller] will include, at a minimum, pardoning Manafort and firing Sessions. We can see his intentions both in overt and behind-the-scenes steps he’s taken against McGahn and Sessions in recent days, and in reports that he has consulted with his personal, criminal lawyers about both pardoning Manafort, firing Sessions, and impeachment.


If Republicans do well in the elections, all this scheming will have proved unnecessary, and Trump will be given a free hand to obstruct any investigation he’d like. But if Republicans lose one or both houses of Congress, the lame-duck period will be the critical window during which Trump can take corrupt steps to insulate himself from justice. By the time Democrats took control, their ability to set things right would be limited. They could conduct oversight, which would damage Republicans politically, but Republicans would at the very least have the power to block impeachment and the restoration of the Mueller investigation.


Trump’s best laid plans could come undone if Mueller secures more indictments between now and the election. But on the current course, a crisis appears inevitable.

On the other hand, even if he does manage to protect himself from Mueller, he's now facing other legal problems from the Trump Foundation corruption investigation in the Southern District of New York and from Stormy Daniels (and perhaps more similar cases). Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Mueller eventually (and particularly before Trump might have him fired) turns over money laundering and other personal criminal conduct cases against Himself and the whole Trump family to New York AGs.  I think he'll be saving those for last.

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