Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Do not try this at home

A little more detail on the incredible Hunters.

That works out to significantly more than 150 overdrafts per year, 13 overdrafts per month and about three overdrafts per week, every single week, over seven years.

Those are astonishing numbers, and data from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau suggests that chronic overdrafters like the Hunters are not common.


“Their credit cards were frequently charged to the credit limit, often with five-figure balances,” according to the indictment.


The Hunters maintained that precarious financial position for years, the indictment alleges, despite pulling in an annual congressional salary of $174,000. Hunter is in fact one of the poorest members of Congress, with an estimated net worth of negative-$387,000, according to an analysis of his 2015 financial disclosure forms by the Center for Responsive Politics.

And the treasurer of Hunter's campaign coffers was constantly warning them about illegal claims for usage of that money. It's not like no one knew these people were gaming the system.
On May 1, 2011, Hunter warned during debt limit negotiations that “America can no longer afford to borrow and spend its way to prosperity” and that “Washington doesn’t have a revenue problem. It has a spending problem."
That is rich. And typical Republican game play: always accuse the other guy of the crooked shit you're doing  - or in the case of sexual preference: always come down hard on other gays so people think you're not.

 ...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE 12/3/19:  Hunter pleads guilty.

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