Tuesday, July 3, 2018

What a maroon!

Your pride is misplaced, asshat.  The word is "pore", not "pour".  They might pour something over your tweets only if they print them out first.  (And you didn't write your "best selling" books.)  If you want to emphasize with capitalization, the format is to capitalize all the letters in the word.  Capitalizing random nouns seems a little German, doesn't it?  Sieg heil.

For instance, do you mean like "some people say"  or "many people are saying"?  I notice you use those phrases a lot when you're making up shit, both on your Twitter account and in your speeches.  Also:  "Said by some."  "Many...are concerned."

Because of you!  I don't think you get to take credit for preventing something that you tried to start.  (Is that capitalization of "war" meant for emphasis?  It gets lost if that's what you're after.  Just looks like you don't know how to capitalize in what should be your native language - which is what we all think - and we're probably right.  Why not shout it out?  WAR WITH NORTH KOREA"?  There.  Now THAT's emphasis.)


So many times when I check this account, I find something that I cannot decipher.  Some shit happens during his day, and he tweets something that makes no sense until you do a little research, if then.  For instance:

Why is he bad-mouthing the NSA now?  And why is he throwing this into the "Witch Hunt" category that he normally uses to complain about investigations into his own nefarious dealings?

What's happening today that has him so hepped up?  He has tweeted 15 times today already.  Or is it drugs?

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.



Two hours later...

Somebody's feeling self-conscious.  And somebody told him about his misuse of the word "pour".  What publication - or TV news organization - made a story of his poor English skills?  As usual, the original, improperly spelled tweet is still up on his account.  When his tweets are corrected, the originals with the error are never deleted.  Does someone have access to his account to only add tweets but not delete them?  Or does he do this himself after someone points out the error, and just doesn't know how to delete the original ones with errors?


Tim O'Brien, Trump biographer:

Oh, snap!


The man who helped co-author President Trump’s bestselling book, “The Art of the Deal,” tore into the president for his recent tweet bragging about his writing skills.

“He is incapable of reading a book, much less writing one,” Tony Schwartz tweeted on Wednesday.

Schwartz told The New Yorker last year that he had written most of Trump's 1987 book as a ghostwriter. Trump has denied that claim and said the pair worked as a team.


Tim O’Brien, a biographer who has written about Trump, also responded to the president’s tweet. “President Trump didn’t write any of his books,” the author tweeted Tuesday. “Ghostwriters on all of them.”

  The Hill

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