Friday, October 20, 2017

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has no moral compass

But why should she be any different than the rest of the Trump administration?

And they all hope we stay focused on he said/she said, because they definitely do not want us to focus on what happened in Niger.

In fact, I might, after some consideration, even believe that General Kelly had some input into what happened there, doubling his guilt (secondly telling Trump what to say to LaDavid Johnson's widow - which backfired), and therefore doubling his need to get in front of the cameras to discredit Congresswoman Wilson.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.


When pressed, Trump's water carrying press secretary doubled down on Kelly's lie about Congresswoman Wilson.
“She also had quite a few comments that day that weren’t part of that speech and weren’t part of that video that were also witnessed by many people that were there,” Sanders said, referring to “what Gen. Kelly referenced yesterday.”

And when that wasn't accepted readily...
“If you want to go after Gen. Kelly, that’s up to you,” Sanders said. “But I think that, if you want to get into a debate with a four-star Marine general, I think that that’s something highly inappropriate.”
Seig Heil!

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