Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Just When You Think You Know How Disgusting They Are

Jump forward to current time:

The tweet lay dormant for several years until 19 July 2016, when Trump Jr. spoke in support of his father, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. As the younger Trump received praise and some accusations of plagiarism for his speech, someone found and began circulating the old post, which quickly picked up steam on social media.

Whether Trump Jr. was describing an actual event is not known. The tweet, however, is real.

Oh, sure, give him an out: I was just making that up.

And even if he were, it's still disgusting.

Maybe the greenskeeper didn't like his sister and had no intention of going to the wedding anyway.  Still it's a tacky Tweet from a privileged tacky jerk, who maybe has a tacky greenskeeper.

The comments on the original post would indicate that the greenskeeper is the one who said "No big deal...," thus the quotation marks. Baby Trump posts a Tweet that's dismissive and insulting at the same time. He doesn't even give the guy a name - "our greenskeeper." Or is he supposed to be showing what a great guy he is that he's not above dining with the help?

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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