Friday, July 29, 2016

Faux News Does It Again

I'm sorry for Mr. Khan, but at the moment, I'm stuck on the part that says James Comey said a win against ISIS overseas could cause the terrorists to come west. WTF?! I thought the story was: we're fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here. Megyn! Is he saying we're supposed to lose to them over there? Fight them over there, but lose. If we don't want to win, how about we just not fight them? Over there. Wouldn't that be a better idea? Did you not wonder when he said that?

But....back to Mr. Khan....

Apparently, he gave a very moving speech about Muslims in America (his son died as a US soldier in Iraq) and challenged Donald Trump in a stinging few sentences, but guess what?  Fox viewers didn't see it.
Instead, as Media Matters for America documented, the network’s hosts offered punditry as a video about Capt. Khan’s death played, and then showed an anti-Clinton attack ad about Benghazi, followed by commercials, as his father began to speak.

Then at 9:15 p.m., just as Khan moved to the climax of his speech, the Fox anchor Megyn Kelly alerted her viewers to what she called some urgent news.
  The Intercept
The Comey crap.

Keepin' it classy, Fox.

And now, back to Comey, because I missed this when it happened.
Eventual victory against the Islamic State could well lead to an uptick of terrorist attacks in the West, not a reduction in them, James B. Comey, the director of the F.B.I., said on Wednesday.

W. T.F?
“At some point there is going to be a terrorist diaspora out of Syria like we’ve never seen before,” Mr. Comey said at a cybersecurity conference at Fordham University. “Not all of the Islamic State killers are going to die on the battlefield.”
Well, no shit, Sherlock.
“This is 10 times that or more,” Mr. Comey said. “This is an order of magnitude greater than anything we’ve seen before.”


Mr. Comey predicted that the military coalition would eventually succeed in crushing the Islamic State, but that “through the fingers of that crush are going to come hundreds of really dangerous people and they are going to flow primarily to Western Europe.” But some, he said, could well end up in the United States.
Then that's not exactly being crushed, is it?  But thanks for giving Fox something to run instead of the DNC speeches.

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