Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ferguson - Incident Report

Governor Nixon has called off the National Guard.

Police have released the incident report for the Michael Brown shooting. It consists of  one line on a CAD (computer aided) Calls List indicating there was a shooting at the time and place of the Michael Brown shooting, and the car and badge number of the officer involved; 9 pages of a simple list showing dispatch dates and times related to the incident, and then a 2-page redacted section;  plus a one-page form that has no signatures and appears to have been prepared only two days ago, containing no additional information.


The cover letter for this FOIA says:
Attached as one pdf document are three documents responsive to your request:

a. A one page incident report, which is an open record pursuant to Section 610.100.1(4) R.S.Mo.; and b. A ten page CAD ("computer aided dispatch") detail screen linked to the incident report, which is an open record under Section 610.200(2) R.S.Mo.; and c. A two page incident report, which is an open record pursuant to Section 610.100.1(4) R.S.Mo.

Please note that certain portions of pages 8 and 9 of the ten page CAD detail screen are redacted due to the investigative information listed. Sections 610.100.1(5) and 610.100.2 R.S.Mo. Also, note that nothing was redacted on page 10 of that document.
Because page 10 has nothing on it.

Very informative.  Thanks.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

UPDATE:  8/22

Billmon comments on the report:

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