Tuesday, March 6, 2012

And Speaking of Charles Pierce

The conventional media world [...] often pronounces itself mystified as to how the various Occupy movements communicate with each other. Sometimes, I suspect that they believe the Occupiers talk to each other through weird Hippie telepathy, or through the drum circles.

Rather, they manage to do it because, weight for age, and given the technology, they're smarter than you are.

  Charles Pierce
Attorney General Eric Holder's appearance at Northwestern on Monday, during which he explained the exact circumstances under which the president can order the killing of just about anyone the president wants to kill, was not promising.


And this...

"This is an indicator of our times," Holder said, "not a departure from our laws and our values."

...is a monumental pile of crap that should embarrass every Democrat who ever said an unkind word about John Yoo. This policy is a vast departure from our laws and an interplanetary probe away from our values. The president should not have this power because the Constitution, which was written by smarter people than, say, Benjamin Wittes, knew full and goddamn well why the president shouldn't have this power. If you give the president the power to kill without due process, or without demonstrable probable cause, he inevitably will do so.

  Charles Pierce

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