Monday, January 23, 2012

Is Newt a Threat to Mitt?

Newt and Mitt. What a duo.

Gingrich’s favorability among general election voters — the metric that many pollsters argue is the key to understanding how the public feels about a candidate — is not high.


So in the short term, Republicans in South Carolina were content to reject Romney as their nominee — he’s the best candidate against President Obama in both national and state polling by far, but by the numbers, he’s always had trouble making the sale to the conservative wing of his own party.

And if he did like Newt (and Mel Gibson) and appealed to their mindless blood thirst and vengefulness, their downright nastiness, he might lose the rest of the party. When it comes to general election voters, he should be more concerned about his Bain days in the news than the fact that Newt won the easily excited Righteous Right in South Carolina. And perhaps he is.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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