Friday, December 2, 2011

Silver Lining? We're Fresh Out

Unfortunately for Americans and the world, the US electorate lacks the intelligence and the awareness of their plight as denizens of a police state to elect Ron Paul, the last defender together with Rep. Dennis Kucinich of the US Constitution. Nevertheless, there would be a silver lining in one of the Republican morons being elected president of the “world’s only superpower.” Once the rest of the world realized that a war-crazed idiot had his or her finger on the nuclear button, the rest of the world would organize and close down the Washington horror before it destroys life on earth.

  Paul Craig Roberts
You know, I just don’t have that confidence in the rest of the world. They're looking rather pathetic these days as well.

Back when George the Idiot was getting his second term, I was able to comfort myself with the silver lining idea that only by keeping him in office would our situation become so obviously corrupt and hopeless that people would finally rise up and correct it. How wrong I was. Or, rather, the people tried, by supporting Barack Obama, but it is now painfully clear that there will be no correction. I think the Occupiers are on the right track, but they’re too late. The train has left the station.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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