Saturday, June 2, 2018

Still hasn't learned how to delete a tweet

He needed to correct his spelling of counsel.

There's no reason to make this tweet in the first place.  It just repeats the thing he wants to hammer into the heads of his followers:  It wasn't his campaign who colluded with the Russians, it was the Democrats.  This is his new tack from simply screaming NO COLLUSION.  Apparently no one was buying that, so now he's decided to move the blame.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.


Still having trouble with counsel.  Not too long ago he learned the difference between council and counsel in a tweet error, but he hasn't gotten used to the spelling.


Still having trouble with that word.

UPDATE 6/7: Okay, now he IS doing it on purpose.

Stupid POS. Trying to cover up his ignorance about the difference between council and counsel by playing a game on Twitter.

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