Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The lowest of the low

There's a real trio for you.  Matt Gaetz and the Gaetz Girls.

Gaetz flanked by the only two females in the House of Reps willing to sit with him.

Meanwhile, the establishment insists that Dems only push modest, incremental reforms so as not to offend corporate funders or spook moderate Republicans. Hellooooo, brilliant strategists: A primary function of the Democratic Party is to offend the corporate powers! Also, there are only about six moderate Republicans left in America, so appeasing them is not a big win — especially when it costs you the support of grassroots voters eager for a politics bold enough and big enough to end business-as-usual economics.

  Common Dreams
Mainstream Democratic punditry says Biden's approval ratings have slipped and the Dems are in danger of losing big in the midterms because Dems have gone too far to placate their extreme left. I find it hard to reconcile that belief with the fact that the biggest loss in support is coming in the younger voter column. And how can you make that pronouncement when it's just as likely that the problem is they haven't gone far enough to deliver on their promises?

...but hey, do what you want...you will anyway.

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