Thursday, June 4, 2020


White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Wednesday compared President Trump’s photo opportunity in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church to former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s examination of World War II bombing damage in 1941.


“Through all of time, we have seen presidents and leaders across the world who have had leadership moments and very powerful symbols that were important for a nation to see at any given time to show a message of resilience and determination,” she said, "Like Churchill, we saw him inspecting the bombing damage. It sent a powerful message of leadership to the British people.”

  The Hill
I guess I don't know my history. Churchill had the RAF bomb London for a photo op?
"And George W. Bush throwing out the ceremonial first pitch after 9/11 and Jimmy Carter putting on a sweater to encourage energy savings and George H.W. Bush signing the Americans with Disabilities Act flanked by two disabled Americans," added McEnany, who looked at notes on her podium as she spoke.

“For this president, it was powerful and important to send a message that the rioters, the looters the anarchists, they will not prevail, that burning churches are not what America is about,” McEnany said.
At this point, I'm beginning to wonder if Jared set that fire.

...but hey, do what you will anyway.


When ex-RNC chair Michael Steele learned of this McEnany McInane comment, he laughed and said, "Comparing Trump to Churchill - there IS a drug that will let you do that, and clearly she took it before she went out there."

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