Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Another Fox News sexual harassment lawsuit

I know, you're surprised.
Fox Nation host Britt McHenry on Tuesday filed a lawsuit against Fox News, its parent company and several of its employees over alleged sexual misconduct.

The lawsuit, which seeks monetary damages, accuses former on-air colleague George “Tyrus” Murdoch of displaying "volatile and unpredictable behavior" at work and sending explicit text messages.


McHenry alleges that Murdoch also sexually harassed her in person in the workplace. Her lawsuit goes on to accuse Fox News of retaliating against her after she filed a complaint in October with the New York State Division of Human Rights, saying she "received far fewer professional opportunities" from the network, including a noticeable drop in on-air invitations.


McHenry, who has hosted the show "UN-PC" on the Fox Nation streaming service, slammed two outside investigations into her claims. She said that pictures surfaced by one of them, purporting to show that she sent Murdoch explicit pictures unrequested, were ripped off of the internet.

"A simple Google Image search shows that the first image was taken from a website and the woman depicted was not Ms. McHenry," the lawsuit said.


A Fox News spokesperson said that the network responded to similar claims that the host filed with the New York state agency in October.


“As we have previously stated, Ms. McHenry’s allegations have been fully investigated and we are confident our actions will be deemed entirely appropriate in litigation. We expect all of her claims to be dismissed.”

  The Hill
...but hey, do what you will anyway.

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